====== Ренгай ====== Rengay Rengay, formulated by Garry Gay, is a collection of 6 linked haiku (based on a unifying theme or image) written by 2 or 3 partners. Each link should be able to stand on its own.\\ \\ With 2 partners (A & B), this is the pattern of alteration between 3 and 2 line links:\\ A-3 · B-2 · A-3 · B-3 · A-2 · B-3\\ \\ With 3 partners (A & B & C), this is the pattern of alteration between 3 and 2 line links:\\ A-3 · B-2 · C-3 · A-2 · B-3 · C-2\\ \\ === Источник === [[http://www.brooksbookshaiku.com/ggayweb/rengay.html|Ссылка1]]\\ \\ [[http://www.brooksbookshaiku.com/ggayweb/ggay52.html|Образец]]\\